Remember kids, if you kill over 1 million Iraqi civilians as a world leader your immune however revealing the exact specifics of the horrors within that war and you’ll have an Interpol warrant.

You’ll also have Visa and MasterCard refusing to deal with your payments but they’ll be happy dealing with the Klu Klux Klan. Next there is a massive statue of Blair being planted in Trafalgar Square to commemorate war criminals.

The last of those statements was a figment of my disturbed imagination however it could easily be true considering the recent events. We live in funny world. Sarah Palin calls for Assange to be hunted like Osama Bin Laden which means he’ll be fine.

WikiLeaks has revealed what many astute people knew but now it’s on paper and simply undisputable, it is simply surreal. This is the kind of transparency the public want in politics.

The reason people are sick of politics is that through the quagmire of rhetoric and corruption it has become the equivalent of a giant turd maze (which would be impressive.) WikiLeaks is breaking down these barriers and humans are seeing international relations for what it is: a giant turd.

Now the media harp on about a limit on ‘freedom of speech’ with one Evening Standard (not surprising) journalist equating it to: ‘going through your neighbours bank statements.’ That analogy is as erroneous as 2 + 2 equalling 5. He and many others fail to understand the distinction between the plans and revelations of war lords, war criminals and leaders and the general public’s online privacy being compromised. There is NO connection at all.

It’s a feeble attempt to ridicule WikiLeaks like trying to bolt a horse well on its way to the horizon of truth. What’s even more perplexing is that some journalists will point this out rather then a WikiLeaks revelation that a Saudi King wants to insert microchips into former Guantanamo Detainees for example.

These days intelligence is based on learning facts and scribbling it down on a paper within the 120 minutes allotted time limit. Real intelligence is something slightly different. Intelligence comes from the latin ‘intellego.’ Breaking down these words ‘inter’ is between and ‘lego’ is reading or picking out. Intelligence is being able to look at things from a critical stance or ‘reading in between the lines.’

With regards to Assange, using your intelligence it won’t take much to notice that his arrest is politically motivated. It won’t take you a while to notice also that these charges coincide with WikiLeaks turning the world upside down.

A close friend of mine told me that before moths used to follow the artificial light and get burnt by it they would instead follow the luminous glow of the moon. We as humans crave the truth akin to moths craving the light. The problem is, like moths we’re burnt by the superficial lies of our government.

Mankind needs the truth to rise out of the darkness.

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