Fewer than half of the drivers who were illegally overcharged for their parking permits have received a refund from Barnet Council.

The authority was ordered to pay money back to thousands of motorists in August after it was found to have unlawfully increased prices of residents' and visitors' permits by a High Court judge.

But of the projected £2.25million owed to thousands of the borough’s residents, just £903,000 has so far been repaid to 16,214 people.

The information came to light through a written question posed by Councillor Jack Cohen on the agenda for tonight’s full council meeting.

Council leader Richard Cornelius was forced to apologise in August after the council was penalised for raising residents’ parking permits as a way of increasing revenue.

Local resident David Attfield led a legal challenge against the price increase at the High Court, where a judge ruled against the council.

The Times Series has requested a comment from Barnet Council.