More donations are required to help the Times Series save a Barnet Mencap juice bar which is facing closure at the end of the year.

The Give Us Some Juice campaign has raised £3,171 to date which is 63 per cent of the £5,000 target.

The Times Series is running the campaign to help Barnet Mencap’s Drink it Juice Bar raise the money it needs to avoid closure at the end of the year.

The bar at Finchley Youth Theatre in High Road, East Finchley, is run by people with learning disabilities and is open every Saturday from 11.30am until 2.30pm.

While working in the bar the employees gain qualifications in customer services, health and safety and first aid.

Barnet Mencap received a corporate grant from Barnet Council to set up the juice bar in July 2011, but the funding ran out in December 2011.

Since then Barnet Mencap has been running the juice bar from the income it generates.

To make a donation to the Give us Some Juice campaign, go to