After our first street stall of the day handing out leaflets, we went home and met Claire’s father, Andrew, who had come to help us.

Andrew is also involved in politics and is an elected councillor. In the 2007/08 municipal year he was Chairman (the same as being Mayor) of West Berkshire Council. As such he has knocked on many doors and leafleted many houses in elections for himself and also Richard Benyon who is his local MP. The constituency also includes David Cameron’s family home so he has been involved with senior politicians for many years.

Before we start campaigning, we attend the St George’s Day service at St Mary’s Church in Hendon. It was really enjoyable and something that I have not had the opportunity to attend before.

Rev Clement is currently stuck in Madrid so the service was led by one of his colleagues. One thing I did learn was that St George was not English but it is likely that he was born to a Christian noble family in Lydda during the late third century.

As his father and mother were both Christians and from noble families of Anici, hey decided to call him Georgius (Latin) or Geōrgios (Greek), meaning "worker of the land".

He is also not only the patron Saint of England but also of Catalonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Lithunia,Portugal and Russia.

After an afternoon knocking on doors and talking with quite a few residents, we attend a St George’s street party in Colindale.

Every house was decked out with English flags, and people drinking out of English cups, using English napkins and wearing clothes with the English emblem. I got into the swing of the event by wearing by my English cufflinks.

Speaking with people at the party it is obvious that there is real national pride in our country and I say that I would support this day becoming a Bank Holiday so people can show how much they love their country.

One guy speaks to me about a letter he has received saying that if the Conservatives form the next Government then they would increase social rents so they are as high as the private sector. This kind of campaigning is reprehensible and I am glad that I have seen this letter as it gives me a chance to demonstrate this is not true.

If I had not seen before, the evening has shown me the importance of social housing and the security it provides people.

People at the party have great pride in their homes and the neighbourhood in which they live and I will protect and respect the rights of social tenants.

The Conservative Party also intends to strengthen shared ownership schemes which allow those on low-to-middle incomes to own or part-own their home by offering tenants with a record of five years’ good behaviour a 10 per cent equity share in their social rented property, which can be cashed in when they want to move up the housing ladder.

The Conservative Party will also introduce a comprehensive national mobility scheme for good tenants who wish to move to other social sector properties, and pilot a Right to Move scheme to allow every family in social housing the chance to relocate by exchanging their home for another one – anywhere in the country.

These ideas are welcomed and I am pleased that this person is no longer upset by the untrue political letter he has received