It was heartening to hear that MP Mike Freer has come out in opposition to the closure of libraries in Barnet.

However, it is difficult to understand how, as a former leader of the council, he has failed to persuade his former colleagues of the wisdom to his point of view.

This is particularly puzzling in view of the fact that he and they succeeded in rescuing £27million from the Icelandic Banking crash. This money (we are given to understand) is now sitting in a reserve fund. Surely a fraction of this sum could now be used to rescue our libraries?

Whenever I go into our local library I am always agreeably surprised by the variety of activities taking place: mothers with young children enjoying the space devoted to children’s books, older people reading the newspapers or other material, and upstairs youngsters avidly interacting with the internet or otherwise pursuing their studies. The friendly and helpful staff always make me feel welcome.

The library is a hub of community cohesion and a centre for the propagation of our nation’s cultural heritage.

Our libraries are an integral part of our common heritage of civilisation, which previous generations have given their lives to defend.

Surely our council has a moral duty to preserve that heritage for future generations. What they are contemplating amounts to an act of vandalism.

Brian J Watkins

Vice chairman, Dollis Park and District Residents’ Association