Perhaps Dennis Pepper (‘Bad News for Walkers’, Your Views, April 24) should actually read my letter properly. I did write “…if not all of this (cycle route) could be off road then, at very least there should be a 20mph speed limit along roads shared with cars”.

Of course, an Environmental Impact Assessment (and also a feasibility study) would be necessary.

The suggestion that we Greens “lose sight” of green spaces when we get on our bikes is ludicrous – as is the whole thrust of Mr Pepper’s campaign – pitting walkers against cyclists, Both cyclists and walkers are vulnerable in traffic conditions. We are not surrounded by fast moving metal boxes.

The basic problem is a general lack of consideration in our society.

The famous words “no such thing as society” seem etched on the hearts of many. Most choose not to cycle, thanks to the behaviour of many drivers.

Congestion is an enormous problem on our roads. Obesity is an alarming health problem and air pollution is the highest of any capital city in Europe.

When, recently, Paris allowed free travel on the metro and halved the number of cars on the roads, air pollution levels were just as high in London (according to Geoffery Lean in the Daily Telegraph).

One of our members is German, and she tells us that where she comes from cyclists and walkers mutually respect one another and just get along.

Surely we walkers and pedallers can learn to do the same here as well? My suggestion – cyclists yield to pedestrians everywhere, save on the highway (unless it’s a pedestrian crossing).

Let’s join forces to celebrate the health-giving, community-building, high-street promoting, pollution-free, life-enhancing aspects of walking and cycling.

Phil Fletcher

Candidate for the Green Party in High Barnet ward