This afternoon I went outside to get something from my car when I noticed a leaflet under the windscreen wiper. The leaflet had obviously been put on the screen while it was wet and, having since dried out, was stuck fast.

Looking down the road, I noticed almost every car had the same leaflet stuck to them and, in all cases, the leaflet was covering the tax discs.

This meant all these cars were technically breaking the law by not displaying a valid disc.

I contacted the (mobile) number on the leaflet to complain and asked if they would care to send someone to clean the cars affected. Their response was to hang up and turn off the mobile phone.

This is not the first time it has happened and I am fed up of having leaflets for everything from pizzas to cheap insurance stuck to my windscreen. It is time to name and shame the companies that indulge in this form of advertising and time for this practice to be made illegal. At the moment, it is only a crime if criminal damage is caused.

D Purdy
Avondale Avenue, East Barnet