I will not be the first or last person to admit that I have a lot of clothes and I’m a big fan of buying clothes.

While some people's perfect Saturdays are going to the gym at 2am and playing video games, I much prefer a good look around the shops whether it's high street brands or good old charity shops.

However, like many ‘shopaholics’ I also have a habit of buying items that just end up at the back of my wardrobe waiting to be worn but alas, a year goes by and I’ve yet to worn.

Finally, it got to the point where my wardrobe was quite literally going to burst at the seams, so I did what every shopaholic dreads, I went through my clothes.

In what felt like a marathon task, I divided items into four piles, keep, donate, recycle and sell, think Stacey Solomon’s Sort Your Life Out but with less warehouse and more room too small to function.

Alas, I did it. I organised and sorted and finally had a wardrobe where I could shut the door without it squeaking out in pain.

But I was left with another problem, donating and recycling items easy peasy, but selling seemed like a daunting task.

However, after guidance from a fellow shopaholic friend, I was able to make more than £100 from my old unworn items, here’s how.

How I made £100 from my old clothes

There are several ways you can sell clothes nowadays, of course, there are the old faithful car boot sales, but online seems to be where the real market is.

You can sell clothes online on the likes of Facebook Marketplace, Depop, eBay and Vinted to name the main core.

While Facebook, eBay and Depop are all great, Vinted was the site I found I was able to make the most profit.

The main draw for Vinted for me, and many others, was that you receive 100% of the money you make, so if you sell a dress for £10, you get £10, not all other resale sites offer that service.

Away from why I chose Vinted to resell my clothes and to how I made £100, there were four main things I did that worked in my favour.

Now I’m no Lord Alan Sugar and have no interest in business methods, but these little things I did seemed to go a long way.

The main points you need to know are photos and prices.

If you have good photos, you’ll get some interest in the item but even better, if you have great reasonable prices, you’ll sell the item and before you know it you will have made a tidy sum of the clothes you don’t wear, it’s a win-win.

To make you’re selling experience as simple as can be, I’ve broken down the four main things I did that left me with a profit, try them out and see how much you can make from your unused items.

Top tips for selling on Vinted

1. Have good pictures of the item and make sure it's more than one.

If you’re selling a top, make sure you don’t just take a picture of the front, include the back, the label and a close-up if there’s detail.

2. Reply to messages

Busy day-to-day activity can make fitting in the little things hard, but taking a moment away from your day to respond to a potential buyer's message is well worth it.

Often as buyers, we may have questions on an item especially if it's second-hand, as a buyer if you can provide that answer quickly and in detail, the chances are you’re going to get a done deal before you know it.

3. Don’t leave posting to the last minute

On Vinted, you have a limited amount of time to post an item, but that doesn’t mean you should leave it to the last day.

If you can, try posting as soon as possible and if you can’t be as speedy as you’d like, let the buyer know and keep them updated.

4. Have reasonable prices

If you are selling on Vinted, do not expect to make a profit on the item you brought or even match the price.


These 7 'small' and 'simple' tips could help you save up to £2.5k a year 

Most people buying on Vinted use it because the items are cheaper and help everyone save money in an ever more expensive society.

I know it can be hard to sell a pair of jeans you bought for £30 at £10, but often, you’re not going to sell an item if it's too pricey.

Like all Vinted sellers, it’s something you have to come to terms with and realise that at least you’re making some money on the item instead of it staying hidden at the back of a cupboard.