If our home is our sanctuary, then our bedroom is our safe haven; somewhere to retreat from the world and sink into the bliss of tranquillity. In today’s often hectic world, the chance to simply stop and relax is a rare thing and having the perfect R&R space to withdraw to is practically essential. Our bedrooms are the ideal escape from modern life, provided we treat them as such.

Why is it important?

Getting a good night’s sleep is hugely beneficial for both your mental and physical health and is as important to our bodies as eating, drinking and the essential act of breathing. While almost all of the rooms in your home are constantly humming with activity, from the kitchen that can act as the heart of the home all the way through to the living room that’s often the hub of all family activity, there’s only one household space designed specifically to calm and comfort you; the bedroom. There are a variety of ways to get the quiet space you deserve to ensure the best sleep, with some simple adjustments making a huge impact.

A space away from screens

It’s been pointed out more than once that interacting with screens before bed is not the way to seamlessly drift off into a peaceful sleep, and yet it’s becoming ever more common. With such a wide range of capabilities, our phones and tablets now act as alarm clocks or books, music players and gaming devices, making it essential to keep them with us at all times despite knowing they are far from helpful. The overwhelming advice is to ditch the screens; invest in an actual alarm clock, pick up a paperback book and keep your screens away from the bedroom to ensure a sleep-friendly environment.

Keep to a routine

Sleeping regular hours programmes the brain and our internal body clock to get used to a set routine, making it easier to drop off and less of a struggle to get up. While it might be tempting to try to catch up on sleep after a bad night, or have an extra few hours on the weekend, doing so on a regular basis can actually disrupt your sleep routine and make it harder to stick to, so establish a routine and keep to it.

Take the time to relax

Ditch technology an hour before bed and use the time to unwind. Drawing up to-do lists for the next days tasks can not only help organise your waking hours, but it gives you the chance to actively clear your mind of the distractions that might otherwise keep you awake. Reading a book or listening to music can help you relax by distracting you entirely, while relaxation exercises such as some light yoga stretches loosen your muscles to ensure a blissed-out state before snuggling under the covers.

Easy upgrades

Having a routine and drifting off to sleep easier is all well and good, but your bedroom has to be somewhere you’ll enjoy spending time. Investing in some true home comforts will turn any room into a tranquil paradise, and all it needs is a few easy upgrades.

Blackout curtains

Used to block out light, filter out noise and even save energy in some homes, blackout curtains can make a huge difference. It’s essential to set the right ambience as you try to sleep, and these wonders can really help; shift workers and anyone who likes to nap during the day will want to take particular notice of this innovation.

Weighted blankets

Offered as throw-sized blankets filled with weighted materials, such as plastic pellets, the use of a weighted blanket is often said to result in a calming effect. With big benefits for combating stress, restless leg syndrome and the simple task of falling asleep, a weighted blanket is an investment that soon proves its worth.

A plethora of plants

A great addition to any room, plants can turn a neutral area into a vibrant, cosy retreat. Perfect for the bedroom, they imbue a sense of nature into what could otherwise be a rather bare place, though they have more uses than simply brightening up a room as they’re said to be able to boost your mood, enhance your creativity and reduce your stress levels.

Tempting bedding

We spend a significant amount of time in our beds, so treating ourselves to comfy bedding isn’t indulgent, it makes a lot of sense. One of the easiest ways to enjoy your bedtime is to have a bed that entices. Invest in high-quality sheets, pillows and duvet covers in luxurious materials such as Egyptian Cotton, Silk or Supima Cotton for a truly snug bed that you can’t wait to jump into.