I was glad to hear the Greenacre Bicycle Rally was such a success with 138 cyclists of all ages taking part (Biking to promote sustainable travel', Times Series, June 19).

Events like these will help keep up the pressure on Barnet Council to take cycling seriously as an alternative, sustainable mode of travel - particularly with the ongoing traffic congestion crisis plaguing the borough.

Barnet is one of the lowest spenders in north London in terms of improving and expanding cycle paths, increasing the number of cycle stands and generally promoting the benefits of cycling. This is in complete contrast to the sound bites proffered by Tory councillors who regularly wax lyrical about their green credentials.

And now we hear Boris Johnson is developing plans to allow motorcycles in bus lanes - something the London Cycling Campaign is firmly against. It seems even when Tory politicians cycle themselves, they can't get it right.

Councillor Colin Rogers
Labour, East Finchley