A depraved sexual predator who raped an unconscious woman on a Tube has been jailed. 

Ryan Johnston, 37, sexually assaulted and raped a 20-year-old woman who was sleeping on the Piccadilly Line.

The attack was witnessed by a tourist and his son who were horrified by what they saw. 

On Friday (December 8) Johnston was produced at Inner London Crown Court from HMP Thameside in Greenwich, where he has been held since his arrest.

Times Series: The court heard that three hours before he raped the woman, Johnston had been spotted masturbating while looking into the windows of a house. 

At around 4.45am on February 23, 2020, two women left Bounds Green Underground station when they noticed Johnston standing outside a house with his trousers round his ankles. 

The terrified women ran away, only to be chased by Johnston who began shouting at them. 

They managed to get into the safety of their home and hid under a stairwell as Johnston banged on their door and put his hand through their letterbox before leaving. 

Just hours later, Johnston boarded the Piccadilly Line at Heathrow Terminal Five and walked through the carriage to a young woman who was asleep. 

He then sexually assaulted and raped her while she remained unconscious. 

The incident was reported by the tourist and his son but it was not captured by CCTV and officers were unable to identify the victim. 

But two years later, while Johnston was serving time for burglary at HMP Brixton, Johnston was identified as the Tube attacker. 

Further enquiries then successfully identified the victim – who had not realised the extent of what happened to her. 

Investigating officer, Detective Constable Kathrine Spencer said: "The offences committed by Ryan Johnston show him to be a dangerous individual who viewed women with contempt. 

“He was simply concerned with his own sexual gratification at any cost. I hope this sends out a strong message to survivors of these offences that we will do all we can to bring offenders to justice to make society a safer place." 

A jury found Johnston guilty of one count of rape, one count of attempted rape, two counts of sexual assault, and one count of outraging public decency at Inner London Crown Court. 

He was jailed for nine years, made subject of a sexual harm prevention order and ordered to sign the sex offenders register for life. 

Senior investigating officer, Detective Inspector Paul Attwell of BTP’s Major, Serious and Organised Crime Unit, said: “Johnston’s brazen attack in front of witnesses highlights his lack of shame or remorse for his actions, something which continued throughout his trial.

"I am thankful his violence and despicable actions have been recognised by the guilty verdicts and significant sentence. 

“His depraved actions will have a life-long impact on the victim and those who witnessed this. I am thankful for their bravery throughout this investigation. I hope they can now find some comfort in the fact justice has been served.”