Two Barnet charities have received grants to help offer advice and support for people with disabilities in the borough.

The Barnet Centre for Independent Living (BCIL), which promotes the rights of disabled people, awarded the grants after being given a contract by Barnet Council to provide information and advice to people with a disability in Barnet.

The grants were given to Barnet Depression Alliance and the Young Autistic Spectrum Socialising Group (YASS) to allow them to continue to carry out their work.

Following an invitation for bids the Barnet Depression Alliance, which provides support to people with depression, received £500.

The Young Autistic Spectrum Socialising Group, a self-help group run by parents to support each other, received £2,000.

The Barnet Depression Alliance will use the funds to hold meetings twice a month, and YASS will use the money to extend its services to adults with autism.

Caroline Collier, chief executive of BCIL, said: “BCIL recognises that volunteer-led groups like Barnet Depression Alliance and YASS! know how to ensure that a small grant makes a big impact, so we were keen to support their work.”