Television garden designer Joe Swift joined members of the Hendon Horticultural Society at an open event aimed at attracting new members.

The Gardener’s World presenter was the flower show's special guest at Hendon Baptist Church, in Finchley Lane, on Saturday.

Organisers were delighted to see new faces displaying spring arrangements at the show, which they hope will provide a boost in members leading up to the summer.

Club secretary Jill Banerjee said: “It went very well, we had quite a good turn out and everyone involved was really pleased.

“There was a jolly atmosphere and it was nice to see some new people come along – we had a wonderful afternoon.”

Members of the public were invited to bring anything they liked from their own gardens to display.

A competition for the best flower arrangement was judged by special guest Mr Swift, invited through his links to the committee, who also said a few words in front of the dozens of visitors.

Ms Banerjee added: “The whole committee worked very hard to organise this and get the hall decorated and we will have to see how many new members we have attracted.

“We really do want anyone with any interest in flowers to get in touch – they don’t even have to have their own garden.”

Anyone interested in joining the society can telephone Ms Banerjee on 020 8202 7380 or visit