Barnet Homes has promised to do “everything possible” to deal with a rat infestation in one of its blocks.

Since the Times Series reported that a family is living in “disgusting” conditions because of a rat infestation in Tyrrel Way, West Hendon, the social landlord has agreed to address the problem.

In a statement Barnet Homes said: “We would like to express our sympathy to the residents of Tyrrell Way who have been affected by an increase in rodents since re-development work started nearby.

“Barnet Homes is doing everything possible to eradicate this problem with the help of a specialist pest control company, and has also carried out work to prevent rodents entering Ms Masterton’s home.”

This statement was released following the Times Series’ revelation that single mother, Kelly Masterson, is at her wits end after living in “disgusting” conditions since June because of the infestation.

Ms Masterson, 33, who lives with her two children, aged three and 12, has repeatedly complained to the council but claim that very little has been done to solve the problem.

Ms Masterson said: “They have sent out pest control to put out some bait traps but this is an ongoing problem and we should not have to keep ring them about it. 

“I am worried about my kids getting bitten. My little girl plays outside and there are rats running up and down the street.”

The situation has become so bad that Ms Masterson took it upon herself to file a petition of 50 signatures from residents demanding that Barnet Borough Council do something about the problem.

Ms Masterson added: “I know that rats are common in London but we shouldn’t have to live like this.

“I don’t enjoy living at home any more. I’m always worried I can hear scratching noises coming from the walls, I expect to wake up one morning with a rat sitting at the end of my bed.”