A former inspector of children’s services has been appointed as the headteacher of a new secondary school opening in East Finchley next year.

Governors at the Archer Academy, which will take in its first 150 pupils in September 2013, have chosen former Barnet Council employee Mick Quigley to head the school.

Mr Quigley spent nine years as a primary headteacher at Wessex Gardens Junior School and then Holly Park School before his roles at the local authority.

He worked in the children's services team, first as principal inspector until 2009 and then as assistant director of schools and learning.

Chair of governors Avis Johns said: “For a new establishment like the Archer Academy, it's vital to have a headteacher with the vision, experience and leadership skills to create a successful school, and we are so pleased to have Mick Quigley on board. We know he's the perfect person to deliver the school that our community has long been waiting for."

Mr Quigley will begin his role officially in January but is already working with governors on various projects.

He said: "The vision which has been developed for the school is one with which I agree wholeheartedly, and I'm looking forward to bringing it to life. I'm really excited to have been appointed as the first headteacher for the Archer Academy and I can't wait to get started."