With the advent of Guy Fawkes' Night, we begin a period of some two weeks where a small minority make the lives of the majority of us hell.

The ever louder bangs and flashes of powerful fireworks cause actual pain to anyone suffering from illness, particularly chronic fatigue or post-traumatic shock. They cause all who have been in a war zone to relive its horrors. Babies and senior citizens are shocked and upset, while terrified domestic pets cower at the fearsome barrage that continues into the small hours.

Nor is this torture, inflicted by the selfish few and their children, confined to those living near open spaces, the only safe area for fireworks. Neighbours' gardens and public car parks are also venues.

Letting off fireworks is legally forbidden after 11pm, though permitted up to midnight on Guy Fawkes' Night (Fireworks Regulations, 2004).

This is a rule which is almost daily ignored in Barnet, both by the perpetrators and those who should prosecute them - the police and Barnet Council's noise unit.

Throughout much of Europe, strict and well-enforced noise regulations ensure people can enjoy the peace and tranquillity they have a right to. In Britain the law of the jungle reigns. With this quality of life, is it any wonder surveys show so many of us would like to leave the country if we could?

Peter Nolan, North Finchley