Mill Hill residents have expressed their frustration over a Hindu free school's plans to move to a temporary site on their estate.

Harrow-based Avanti House is about to submit plans to move its secondary school to the Fairway Primary School in The Fairway in September, before relocating to a permanent site on the Broadfields Estate in 2015.

The school will be made from ten two-storey prefabricated buildings, which will be craned in, and which will house 180 children in its first year.

During the consultation, held in Northway School’s hall and hosted by the Education Funding Agency (EFA), which chose The Fairway site, residents examined draft plans and had their questions answered by Avanti House’s Principal Gareth Jones and representatives of the EFA.

Residents’ concerns included the congestion and danger caused by the cars of parents dropping their children off at the new school, increased mess and noise caused by the influx of children and the unfeasibility of the school’s plans to have a coach drop off point on the A41.

Businessman Geoffrey Jacobs, who lives on Fernside Avenue, criticised the EFA for its “poor communication” which meant members of the public did not get leaflets about the event until a few days before it happened.

He added if the EFA could not even manage to inform residents about the consultation, there was no guarantee there would not be other serious problems in future.

He said: “I have lived here for 25 years. This is a small enclave, the roads are too narrow here, there is nowhere for the traffic to go. I am worried about coaches dropping off children on the main road. This plan will leave children exposed to danger. They are exposed enough.”

Resident Eva Noorbhagi added: “There is no space for it, we can’t take it, it’s a miracle an accident hasn’t happened already. Everyone on the street is against it. We don’t trust them to leave after two years.”

Parent governor Sherrie Parsa, who had been at the consultation since it started at 4pm, said two elderly residents who had had near misses from cars belonging to parents with children at the other two schools mounting the pavement and complained traffic problems on the street were bad enough.

She said: “It is so frustrating. What people don’t understand is this is a Harrow school. It won’t serve the local people, but they will suffer the consequences.”

However Sue Stone, whose property backs onto the school, said she approved, especially since the land on The Fairway had been designated for educational use.

She said: “Education is a lovely thing. Why not have a temporary site here?”

Her husband Raymond added: “I don’t object in principal. As a tenant my main concern is traffic flow. The EFA seems to have considered everything.”

Residents and parents have been signing a petition to halt the move of Avanti House School to the Fairway site. The petition can be found at