Russell Brand has thrown his weight behind tenants facing eviction on the Sweets Way estate.

The comedian and actor visited the estate, in Whetstone, on Saturday to lend his support to the campaign opposing the redevelopment of the estate, which has seen tenants evicted during the past few weeks.

An occupation has been underway in one of the empty homes since last week, and more than 1,600 people have signed an online petition calling for a halt to evictions and the right to return for former tenants.

Ten families remain on the estate and are due to leave later this month.

Annington, which owns the former army estate, has applied for a possession order to remove the occupiers.

Mr Brand posted on Twitter: “Developers and councils making children homeless, please get stuck in”.

He also tweeted links to the petition, adding: “You can let @AnningtonHomes (LOVINGLY/POLITELY)know how you feel about kids made homeless for profit”.

In a statement last week, a spokesman for Annington said: "These properties have long been earmarked for demolition and Annington advised tenants of this back in 2012. Since then Annington wrote again to tenants in July of last year to ensure that they were all aware of the need to vacate the properties in January 2015.”