I read Residents' parking permits to be given to spritual leaders', (Times Series, June 26) with incredulity.

How can religious leaders visiting one of their parishioners be any more important than the emergency services, care workers and other social service providers? Most people would consider plumbers to be an important service, particularly when you are suffering from blocked or overflowing drains.

This is the most ridiculous idea yet and smacks of electioneering. Giving permits to park in residents' bays will not only reduce the number of bays available to residents, but also to Blue Badge holders whose need is greater than a visit from a religious leader.

How will Barnet distinguish between bona fide applicants and those hopping on the bandwagon and why do they need a second permit? This system would be ripe for exploitation and abuse.

I hope common sense will prevail and these permits will not be implemented.

Elizabeth Lawrence Wentworth Road, New Southgate