I had my hair done at the weekend. I was a little worried because a lot of my pregnancy reading material warns those in the family way to avoid peroxide or hair dyes at all costs for fear of your beautiful locks going green.

It had occurred to me that it might be the case. It’s something to do with the raging hormones. But contrary to popular belief my multi-tone hair is not entirely (if at all) natural and with my roots adding another dimension of colour to my already rainbow-looking locks I had to go and deal with the consequences afterwards.

Well, rest assured my multi-tone hair still doesn’t contain any unwanted colouring and I also didn’t opt to chop all my hair off in a hormone-induced frenzy. (Apparently pregnant women should not make rash decisions like a proper hair cut as we’re not thinking straight.)

All in all a successful visit. And then I found out that I am harbouring an avocado in my womb. My baby hasn’t been possessed by a fruit, but apparently at the grand old foetus age of 16 weeks, it now resembles one. In size.

It’s funny, when I told my husband this mindblowing fact he delighted in telling me that was huge. except pretty soon, it’s going to be more like a melon. With a body to match. In fruit basket measurements, I am content with the avocado, it’s the melon and more than worries me.

Is an avocado baby big or not? The hairdresser told my I looked tiny still. I like her. I think she was lying to me though. My family touched my protruding bump and told my how much I had grown.

Perhaps I’ll go to the hairdressers more often.