I don’t think I’m a snob. Although perhaps some of my friends will say otherwise. But since I grew out of the hand-me-down wardrobe more than a few years ago, I have opted not to buy second hand.

Having spent my formative years dressed in the clothes my parents bought for my sister and kitted me out in once they’d got too small (and worn away) for her to wear, I have never really bought into the notion as I grew up.

I know there are bargains to be had but clothes can be inexpensive now and, I don’t know, I like to be the first wearer of my attire.

But now that I have a baby on the way I am reigniting my desire for hand-me-downs.

Despite saving for a long while to clothe and kit out this baby with everything it needs, it is all so expensive and our funds will only stretch so far. Plus so much of what the baby needs they use for such a short amount of time I almost resent spending lots of money of them.

Moses baskets are a great example. A must-have for all newborns as a place they can sleep when they first get home and costing anything from £40 to well over £100. Then approximately eight weeks after their birth they move into a cot never to have need for the basket again.

Baby baths. Important in those first few weeks to stop the slippery little thing drowning while its so tiny. Used for a matter of weeks and costing on average £20.

Then there’s all the things that no one can quibble you need. A cot, a pram, a highchair, a changing unit, a bottle steriliser, new furniture (if like us your nursery now resembles a junkyard), car seats... the list goes on. And the cost adds up.

So, on the basis that this child is too small to have a complex about any of this and with my desire to give it what it needs without declaring bankruptcy, I am officially begging and borrowing for whatever we can find.

I have already found a great second-hand cot at a fraction of its retail price and I am now on the lookout for any other bargains I can get my hands on.

I know being a new mum there’s a desire to get everything perfect. But it’s also a time to be sensible and make sure every penny is spent sensibly. So anyone out there who wants to lend me any of the above items or has them to sell on get in touch. And in a few years time I’ll be sure to pass on whatever I have to other new mums in need.