I am so tired. Not just tired like you’ve not had a great night’s sleep tired, but exhausted. Weary. Fatigued. Worn-out. Done.

All through the pregnancy so far one of the first things people ask me is how I have been feeling through this. And the main symptom I can always refer to is tiredness.

I know it may not seem like anything too terrible and I am obviously grateful that in the grander scheme of things it’s not, but it is unquestionably the symptom — if you can call it that — that I have been suffering with the most.

Not that most of you will know, but I have always been someone who could function on very little shut-eye and still perform effectively throughout any given day. I remember flying back overnight from our honeymoon, contending with a 5 hour or more time difference and not sleeping on the plane. I then stayed awake all day, slept relatively well that night and went to work the next day. My husband on the other hand took three days to recover and still recalls it as being a terrible experience.

But since I became pregnant most of my thoughts during the day revolve around when I can sleep. I get home from work and fall asleep. Then, despite the normal problem of not being able to sleep at night if you’ve napped in the day, it doesn’t seem to be a problem for me.

All in all I suppose I can’t really complain, but it is hard explaining to people that feeling tired is really a bit of an issue and not an excuse to not go out. Mostly. And as I approach the third trimester, when things just get more uncomfortable, I know this is only going to get worse.

So forgive me if I yawn when you talk, decline your invite or fall asleep as you tell me something very interesting. It’s probably the pregnancy. Probably anyway.