
Well I never expected to be writing a blog about motherhood so soon, but as you have probably worked out by now my little boy decided to make his appearance in the world three weeks early, on Sunday.

It is still sinking in - that I am a mother, that this little child sleeping next to me is mine and that my life will never be the same again - but I am on cloud nine.

Don't get me wrong, this job is the hardest thing I have ever done. It's so tough doing the best by someone you love more than you can explain but who can't tell you what's wrong and needs things you're only just learning how to do. But we're on a journey and are just at the beginning so I keep telling myself to take each day and even each hour as it comes.

The labour was, well, grim. I won't lie. But I spent the first half convinced I was going to be told to go home and come back in three weeks when I was expected to give birth so I was quite calm. When they made it clear I was not leaving without a baby the reality began to sink in. Twenty-four hours later and he was born. All 6lb 10oz of him. All adorable.

However undignified and painful the labour was I'd do it again in a heartbeat for him. And all the sleepless nights haven't put me off.

For now I am living in a bubble where time is an irrelevance. I have no idea what's going on in the world and am just spending my days getting to know this little bundle called my son.

I know it's going to change and when my husband has to go back to work it'll be a shock to the system but as I said, each day as it comes...

So there you have it. We haven't named him yet, not until he is circumcised according to Jewish law but I'll let you know when that's all official...

And in between feeding and nappy changing and burping (which he does a scary amount) I will attempt to keep you in the loop.

Until then...