Workers at a North Finchley supermarket have posted lewd and offensive comments about customers on Facebook.

Workers at Waitrose in Ballards Lane branded one customer a “stinky lady,” a “dirty old loon” and made sexual remarks about a mother and her daughter.

Waitrose has launched an investigation into what it calls the “completely unacceptable behaviour” of staff.

One employee set up a group in tribute to a shopper, writing: “All the waitrose lads know who I mean. The 6 ft tall stunner with massive natural bristols and and boyfriend who looks like he might kill you for lookin at her.

“Recently spotted with daughter/co-star. I think I love her (sorry girlfriend).”

Another group complains about the “phenomenally disgusting stench” of a regular customer.

“All those who have experienced the phenomenally disgusting stench of that dirty old loon who comes into Waitrose 215, please join us in our recognition of her absolute smelliness,” wrote one worker.

“You know the one, the one who you can smell in Fruit & Veg when she is on the Drinks aisle.”

The same employee writes that he has tried to take a picture of the customer and asks his co-workers to join a campaign to get her banned.

A Waitrose spokeswoman said: “This is completely unacceptable behaviour and goes against Waitrose codes of conduct which make it very clear that partners who post this type of material are in breach of their terms of employment.

“The nature of the internet makes it very difficult to get content removed once it has been posted, however we do have teams that monitor website activity and have already launched an investigation.”