On Monday I attended the Finchley and Golders Green Area Environment Sub Committee. My Colleague Cllr Monroe Palmer was unable to attend so I was there as his substitute. The meeting started at 7pm and was all over at 725pm. This committee is a bit like the Area Forum except it has the powers to make decisions. But nothing new in that the vice chairman did not turn up. Is there also a special allowance for the post of vice chairman?

A bit like the Area Forum, because only one Conservative Councillor turned up, again this was the Chairman. I can only assume that the rest of them are not at all interested in the local issues. There were three items on the agenda. All related to issues raised by the local ward councillors.

Not sure what we agreed on any of the items but residents who had turned up seemed happy. There was one strange bit though. It was agreed that there is a problem with the location of bus stop in Summers Lane. No one disputed that action is necessary. The Council Officers said nothing could be done until after next April because there is no money left in this financial year. Not even any cash to pay for Officer time to undertake a preliminary survey. Two weeks ago I counted sixteen Council Officers in attendance for two days of the Brent Cross application.

On Wednesday I was back at the Town hall for a meeting of the Finchley and Golders Green Planning Sub Committee. Only one Planning Officer tonight taking us through the agenda. The Meeting was over quickly, mainly because the most controversial planning application was withdrawn. The Committee overturned three recommendations by the Planners. We refused two that were recommended for approval and approved one recommended for refusal. There was a bit of a row over one of them. One councillor accused another Councillor of talking rubbish. But we were all friends by the end when the Chairman who is becoming more amenable by the day provided seasonal refreshments.