The NHS is currently sending out a mail drop. It contains important information about care records. It seems the NHS is collecting data on our medical histories; treatment etc which it says will help deliver better safer care. It is called summary care records it all sound pretty harmless. Who could argue about Health Professionals having access to relevant data when they treat patients? Especially as the NHS is giving assurances about who will be able to access this information There is a provision to opt out. But how many of us will want to do that. Over time, the leaflet notes further details will be added to the summary care records. All of this will be stored online using secure website.

Barnet Council is currently working on its Corporate Plan 2010-13.A key driver of the plan (on page 20 of the draft) is the creation of “a common insight function” What on earth does this mean? A clue can be found later on. “This will enable us to have a good and growing range of information about residents and make better use of local intelligence”

Barnet is also pressing ahead with it Future Shape Programme. On of its key drivers is to link up with local Partners .The aim is to avoid duplication, share resources, information etc. Who is one of these local providers? Step forward The NHS.

As I said it all appears harmless.