Demand for the posters is still coming. After the first request in one Mill Hill road our office received a call asking if a second resident could have a poster “the same as the one down the road”. So after being out for a couple of hours I called at the lady’s house and put up her poster. Once again it is a hot day and canvassing with Cllr John Hart and Brian Sharma we meet a group of ladies who are concerned abut the number of foreign prisoners in our prisons who are not deported upon their release. In the last year almost 1,200 overseas criminals were kept in immigration detention centres because they had finished their jail term but had not yet been returned home. This costs us, as taxpayers, around £47,500 a year to house each one - some £10,000 more a year than it costs in a jail.

After lunch we are back on the doorsteps with the Board of the Conservative Party. These are the guys who run the logistics of the Party and are visiting 70 seats around the country campaigning for us to win. We have several teams that include Cllr Marina Yannadoukis MEP, Cllr Darrell Yawitch and Cllr Maureen Braun all winning us support.

Afterwards I visit our office to catch up on telephone calls. People who want to speak directly with me about particularly issues often call and I use times like these to call them. Once again the issue of Labour’s tax on jobs, through increasing National Insurance, comes up. One other guy also asks me how the Conservative will help families. This comes on the same day that David Cameron makes an announcement on the same. I am able to explain about Conservative plans to end the couple penalty in the tax credits system, plans to support families with young children with 4,200 additional health visitors, the right for parents to request flexible working, improving Sure Start by focusing it on early intervention and increasing its focus on the neediest families, our new plans for a system of flexible parental leave that will let parents share maternity leave between them, including taking some of the leave simultaneously, cracking down on manipulative marketing targeted at children and ending the culture of fear of litigation in children’s activities.

We meet friends for dinner in the evening at the Beaufort pub in Colindale. This has become a firm favourite as it is such a good place to go and, along with the new flats, has regenerated the area. The food is good and we take the chance to catch up with what’s happening in other peoples’ lives.