A PAIR of peacocks have mysteriously moved into the back garden of a Barnet family.

Now Mike Dwyer and his family, who live in Normandy Avenue, are appealing for help to trace the owners of the male and female peacock who first appeared four weeks ago.

Mr Dwyer said the pair fly up to his flat dorma roof most mornings at around 5am, and make a sound "crossed between a bark and a meow". By 8am the birds have flown away and Mr Dwyer says he is unsure where the peacocks spend the remainder of the day.

He added: "They are beautiful creatures and I am not sure how long they might survive with foxes in the area and we are concerned about the potential damage to our property they may cause.

"I was surprised when I saw them, especially as I didn’t think they flew, but I’ve since found out they just can’t fly very far."

He believes the birds have owners, as they appear to be highly domesticated and are unafraid of humans.

Mr Dwyer has contacted the RSPCA, which said it would only assist if the animals’ welfare was under threat, as well as the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds), which said it has no means to protect and can only give advice.

The council is unable to help and the police have only been able to log the information on their system.