PLANS to force the borough to create pitches for gypsies and travellers have been scrapped by the Mayor of London.

In a document detailing alterations to the draft London Plan, Boris Johnson makes it clear that Barnet Council will not have to meet the previous targets.

It had initially been suggested that the borough would have to find space for 22 pitches, although that was later reduced to 16.

But following a change of guidance from the coalition Government, Mr Johnson said targets were “not the most effective or fair way" to improve provision of pitches for gypsies and travellers.

He said addressing the pitch requirements in London through a strategic plan “has proved problematic” for the communities, the authorities and other agencies responsible.

He described the Labour Government‘s guidance as “excessively complex and prescriptive” and said assessing the levels of need should be made by locally by “authorities who have the formal powers and resources to support delivery”.

The 16-page document of alterations said: “Boroughs are best placed to assess the needs of and make provision for these groups whether through new pitch provision, protection or enhancement of existing pitches, or by other means.”

Brian Coleman, London Assembly member for Barnet and Camden, said: “The removal of targets forcing local communities to build new pitches for gypsy and travellers is the right decision.

“I have long argued that it should be down to local councils to decide whether they need more accommodation for gypsies, not have arbitrary target imposed upon them from above.”