ALL of Barnet's MPs are planning to get their hands dirty and help the community for Mitzvah Day this year.

New members of Parliament Matthew Offord and Mike Freer say they are actively looking for a worthy cause to help with on Sunday, November 21.

Mitzvah Day is a Jewish-led initiative aiming to get people from every community to perform a good deed, or Mitzvah.

Hendon MP Mr Offord told the Times Series he is hoping to help clear some land or possibly the pond at Moat Mount open space in order to help the community.

He added: “Mitzvah Day is a very special event in not only the Jewish calendar but also in the communities of Hendon, Edgware and Mill Hill.

“For this is the day when there is a generosity of spirit as hundreds of people give back to their local community.

“Such is the warmth generated by the efforts of so many people that no-one can fail to be touched by small actions which, collectively, have a big impact.”

Mr Freer, the MP for Finchley and Golders Green, said he encouraged residents to make mitzvahs a “part of everyday life, not just once a year”.

He added: “In today's busy world it is easy to simply make a donation and that remains vital, but actually doing something, actually giving up your time to physically help someone is more rewarding than popping a cheque in the post or into the charity pledge envelope. “Now as the Government is pushing the Big Society, it is important we all get stuck in and give our time and our money to help others.”

Chipping Barnet MP Theresa Villiers said she is also looking to help with a project in her constituency.

She said: “Just like CSV's Make a Difference Day coming up soon, Mitzvah Day provides a great opportunity to give something back to our community.

“It is a great initiative which pulls hundreds of people into volunteering and helping our people less fortunate than themselves.

“I'm sure it will be a great success this year as it has been in the past. It's very much in tune with what David Cameron calls the Big Society.”

The Times Series is looking for a worthy project to support on Mitzvah Day. If you have a project our team of volunteers could help with please get in touch by emailing Francine Wolfisz on