I don’t agree with Councillor Sargeant that estates like Graham Park are a haven for crime and deprivation because of neglect and cash shortage (‘Comments are undeserved’, Your Views, November 4).

It’s not the buildings that are the problem, it’s some of the people who live in them.

There are plenty of people who are not well off, have lost their jobs and have many related problems, but they don’t go around stabbing, committing burglaries and vandalising.

They live within the law and try and make the best of their lot.

Society makes excuses not making people answerable for their actions.

If I were cheeky to my teachers and my parents were informed, I would be punished by both the teacher and at home, now the teacher is the one that has to be answerable.

So now we have to deal with the fallout. For goodness sake make parenting a GCSE.

J Shorvon, Rydal Close, Hendon