It seems reasonable that such a superb facility as the artsdepot should inform the public about events it is staging. After all, why else does it exist?

Yet apparently, I am wrong. Last week, Impact Theatre Company, an excellent local amateru dramatic group, was staging five performances of Hot Mikado to raise money for The Alzheimer’s Society.

I was very keen to attend and so visited the artsdepot website to find booking details as the box office was closed when I rang.

I could find nothing on the website. It was only much later I discovered a brief mention of the production buried deep in a website subsection entitled local companies.

Nothing had been listed under either theatre or music.

Surely the point of a local theatre, substantially paid for by taxpayers, is to do everything it can to support and publicise local/community groups operating in the arts, most particularly when they are staging productions to raise money for charity?

If it does not do this, why is the artsdepot receiving public funding?

The community groups using the artsdepot pay to do so and therefore it is surely incumbent upon the theatre to lend them as much support as possible in publicising events? Why wouldn’t it want a full theatre?

I understand serious consideration is being given to the use of the artsdepot as a site for a new public library, a plan which seems to me to be entirely sensible.

Please do ensure the artsdepot’s current policy of not informing the public about what is on offer is continued.

That way, all of the books/computers will remain entirely unused and in pristine condition for future members of the public who will also know nothing about it.

Wendy Hoffman
Totteridge Green