A reality television star from Finchley has swum with sharks to raise money for charity.

Yesterday Carrie Patrick, who starred on ITV’s dating show Take Me Out, got into a tank with several sharks to raise money for KidsCan, a childhood cancer charity.

Ms Patrick, a business development executive, undertook the challenge at The Blue Planet Aquarium in Cheshire with a group of five others.

They were given a tutorial on using scuba diving equipment, and on how to stay safe with the sharks, and then spent 30 minutes in the tank.

Ms Patrick said: “I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie so I wasn’t nervous until I watched Jaws the night before.

“I’m vegan and I’m pretty sure sharks don’t like vegetables so I don't think they were very interested in me as fast food!"

Ms Patrick found fame on the third series of Take Me Out, a show where 30 women are introduced to a string of single men who they can chose to go on a date with.

KidsCan, based in Manchester, is the only charity which carries out research specifically for new treatments for childhood cancers.

It receives no statutory funding so relies upon donations.

Thus far Ms Patrick and her comrades have raised £4,200.

To donate visit www.justgiving.com/CarrieAlicePatrick