A devoted father is set to climb the equivalent height of Everest in a bid to raise money for research into the terminal disease his son suffers from.

Mark Silverman, a planning policy manager for Hertsmere Borough Council, has signed up himself and 25 colleagues to take part in the Climb Everest charity event which will see the group walk 29,000 feet without having to leave their offices, in Elstree Way, Borehamwood.

The group will climb four flights of stairs 553 times during two weeks, at lunchtimes or after work.

They start their task on Monday.

They hope to raise £5,000 for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) charity, Action Duchenne.

The money will go towards funding research projects aimed at identifying a cure and effective treatments for the genetic disease.

Mr Silverman's three-year-old son Thomas was diagnosed last year with DMD, a progressive muscle-wasting disease that affects mainly boys.

There is currently no treatment to delay or reverse the symptoms. Few people with the condition live beyond their mid-20s and most sufferers are confined to a wheelchair by the age of 12.

Mr Silverman, 34, said: "It has been very difficult, but one of the ways of coping is to raise funds because then there is some hope of a cure.

"It is a very serious condition, a terminal condition, but we are hopeful some sort of cure can be found.

"Most people look at Thomas and see a healthy, happy little boy and yes, he is happy but we know that he will soon have troubles.

"We know what is likely to happen. He can't run or jump but he likes the things that other kids like.

"He is funny and wonderful."

Emma Boswell, a monitoring and research officer at the council, said: "I'm more than happy to give up my spare time and take part in this climb as not only will it raise much needed funds but also raise awareness of this devastating condition.

"It's going to be quite a challenge to go up and down four flights of stairs 553 times but I think everyone taking part is going to do their very best to reach Everest."

To sponsor Mr Silverman and colleagues, visit www.justgiving.com/mounteverest, or send an email to markasilverman@hotmail.com.