Hayo, everybody. Yeah. My name Bear. My full name be Orange Bear, what peoples just calls me Bear for short. Yeah. Bear.

I watches "Big Brothers" yesterday, I does, and I wants to writes on Munkitty Tunkitty's accounts while he be away, him do. Yeah.

Jonty go on about him don't likes Rexes and all that but Rex has orange fur like me. Yeah. And I sees him on the TVs after Kats and Darnells argues and him have real nice converstaions with Kats, him do, and I thinks him do come over real goods. Yeah. Kats and Darnells misses Jens, I thinks, which be why they argues real nasty about nothings, just like Jens and Rexes done about that pictures with the sticky finger print on its. Maybe Darnells and Kats be real bored, what they hopes that everyone spit in faces and all that agains and gets chucked out, what they be the only two left.

By the ways, Kiki Bear do talks real wrong, him do, when him say what him thinks Sara leaves the Houses last Fridays. She ain't; Lisa leaves it insteads.

Yeah, BEAR!